pretended to be a man and treated me like a girl, dominating me, holding me. Then she told me that I was too plain a girl for her to love and asked me to put on some of her makeup. I told her that I didn't know how, so she showed me; after I had finished, she started kissing me. Finally I let her seduce me-but of course I was finally the male. What a time we had; we laughed and chased cach other around nearly all day. We probably looked awfully strange, though," Audrey laughed in reminiscense.
"When it was over, it was over. I mean, just like that. Oh, she was probably ashamed to date me again, I don't know. I didn't ask her--she didn't offer. But dressed like that again, Anne, I knew I'd never give it up. It was an incredible feeling; and it still is. I wish I could have remained like that.”
"Why didn't you?" Anne asked.
"I don't know," Audrey answered slowly, "I only dare to dress occasionally since I became Mr. Moore's assistant in the office. I could get caught at it--it'd be a mess if it were made public--you must know that," Audrey rationalized.
"Of course, Audrey. In fact, that's why I left my job. I was a vice-president of Admiral Drug Co. in Los Angeles until a few months ago. One of those fast..."
“Wait a minutė, Anne,” Audrey interrupted, “Why did you ask for Moore in the office? Did you know that he used to work for Admiral Drug?"
"Sure I did. Dick was a good friend of mine in Los Angeles. He was in a lower executive level and--like yourself--he was afraid he'd get caught dressing sometime and ruin his chances for advancing." At this revelation, Audrey seemed very surprised, but Anne didn't notice and went on. "We used to dress and go night clubbing to- gether for awhile. Dick always said he wanted to get a position that was independent enough that no one would care if his imper- sonation were found out--where he wouldn't lose everything. Fin- ally he found this job in Portland."